Room for Lovely

E091: Mindset of the Redeemed [Approaching Anxiety with Faith] -- Dr. Sherri Yoder

Erin Cuccio

About Dr. Sherry
Dr. Sherri is a seeker and teacher of God's wisdom. She adheres to the Word of God as the authoritative prescription for living the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10.

Dr. Sherri is a virtual Thought Coach for women and men through her 7-week discipleship group coaching experiencing, MOR.

She will soon be releasing her book, Mindset of the Redeemed, which walks the reader through seven practical and biblically-informed lessons to take the believer from knowing she's redeemed, to actually feeling and living like it.

Dr. Sherri also hosts small intensive retreats for women who desire to experience a new level of freedom and abundance in their life with Jesus at the center.

Dr. Sherri's effectiveness in inspiring fellow Jesus-followers to transformative action is an amalgam of her experience as a former Clinical Psychologist, a devoted personal pursuit of intimacy with the triune God, and her gifts of compassion, understanding, and wisdom.

Connect with Sherry

Social Media:
Instagram: @dr.sherrispeaks
YouTube: @dr.sherrispeaks

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Connect with Erin
IG @erincuccio

Finding the Lovely
When Life Comes Undone